Introducing the job profile of the Workplace Innovation Manager
Project Description
As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, even companies that used to be “digitally lazy” will now have to step up their digital capacity: Video conferencing, document sharing, cloud solutions, information security, etc. The result will be a steep learning curve. Leaders who have shied away from allowing people to work from home will notice that some are getting more productive if they can work in their own environments. All of this could lead to a shift in mindset and pave the way for massive digitalization efforts in the years ahead. This effort needs to be carried out transnationally,in the spirit and the values on which EU is funded. Within this framework, WIN project will directly address the needs and challenges that companies, SMEs and organizations face in their efforts to manage and promote workplace innovation by introducing the professional profile of the Workplace Innovation Manager. WIN project visualizes the role of the Workplace Innovation Manager as an internal knowledge hub that will be able to spread concepts on ideas management, design thinking and innovation capabilities throughout the organization.
1: WINComp: Workplance Innovation Manager professional profile & training curriculum:Definition of the Workplace Innovation Manager professional profile and Training Curriculum based on the three pillars used in EQF.
2: Workplace Innovation Manager VET training course and pilots:Main objective of the training course will be to train employers, HR (or other) managers and employees, acting as Workplace Innovation Managers.
3: Certification process of the Workplace Innovation Manager professional profile: A proper database of questions will be used for the generated profile data of participants as well as participants can apply for an exam, to certify their skills and knowledge.
4: Development of the e-WIN Platform: In order to enhance and improve significant elements of the project’s successful implementation, such as sustainability, transferability and accessibility to the project’s results, partners will develop an interactive e-learning platform.
5: Development of the Manual & Toolkit for Workplace Innovation Managers and policy makers: It is anticipated to be the first pan-European tangible material that provides a holistic framework regarding the new professional profile of the Workplace Innovation Manager.
Project Details
Topic: Business and Social Innovation
Programme: Erasmus+
Sector: Vocational Education and Training
Project ID: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000032959
Website: http://project-win.eu
Start Date: 1/1/2022
End Date: 1/7/2024
Total Grand: 359,248.00€

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Italienische Handelskammer München – Stuttgart Camera di Commercio Ital – Tedesca
Innovation Hive
Epimelitirio Larissas
IP – International CmbH Creative Corporate Training
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🇸🇮 Mednarodni institut za implementacijo trajnostnega razvoja
🇧🇬 Balkan Bridge
🇭🇺 Magyar-Bolgár Gazdasági Kamara
Project's Social Media
Our Role
Balkan Bridge will contribute to all the project results as well as to the dissemination process. In particular for the development of the project’s Sustainability and Exploitation Plan and the methodology for the field research which will be the basis for collecting data directly from the project’s primary target group: SMEs, employers and employees. employees. As part of the same activity Balkan Bridge will develop a common methodology along with the relevant tools that will be used by project partners for the identification and comparative analysis of the key skills, competences and qualifications that a Workplace Innovation should acquire.
Balkan Bridge hosting the Transnational Partner Meeting of WIN Sofia, Bulgaria 17-18th of October 2023