roMa Inclusion thRough vocAtioNal eDucAtion

Project Description

The MIRANDA project aims to enhance Roma education and bridge social gaps. Enhancing the services of the VET schools for Roma and other excluded groups Increasing the attractiveness of VET schools in the Roma community as well as reducing the employment gap for Roma. Reducing the gap in the completion of upper secondary and vocational education for Roma. Increasing public awareness of issues of discrimination suffered by Roma and informing employers and stakeholders about the employment prospects of Roma.


This project will inform society about the discrimination faced by the Roma community, while at the same time, it will assist in informing entrepreneurs and employers about opportunities for them to hire people from the Roma community. By creating the Roma Stakeholders Database, the information will be gathered in one place and easily accessible. Also, the MIRANDA project strives to enhance the services of the VET schools for Roma and other excluded groups and increase the attractiveness of VET schools in the Roma community. This will be done through Guidebooks for VET Empowerment, which are a sustainable product. In order to motivate the VET trainers and staff, they will participate in training for trainers (ToT).

1: Raising Attractiveness of VET Schools for Roma learners

2: Inclusion empowerment of the VET Schools

3: Enhancing trainers/staff inclusion skills

Project Details

Topic: Inclusion, promoting equality and non-discrimination
Roma and/or other minorities
Creating new, innovative or joint curricula or courses

Programme: Erasmus+
Sector: KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training (VET)
Project ID: 2023-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000164590
Website: Pending
Start Date: 1/9/23

End date: 31/8/26
Total Grand: 400,000€

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


🇩🇪 Institut für Roma und Minderheiten e. V.

🇬🇷 Universal EducationA
🇧🇬 Balkan Bridge EOOD
🇩🇪 BK Consult GmbH
🇬🇷 Symplexis
🇲🇰 Roma Youth Centre
🇦🇹 Austrian Association of Inclusive Society

Project's Social Media

Our Role

Balkan Bridge, representing the partnership from the Bulgarian side, will be responsible for conducting a workshop with representatives of the stakeholders, policymakers, and experts in order to provide them with opportunities to discuss the project’s impact and identify areas for improvement. Moreover,  Balkan Bridge will prepare and organise Info Days at VET Schools for the educational opportunities of the ROMA learners.

Kick-off Meeting of MIRANDA project Wuppertal, Germany 19th of January 2024

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