"KICRO - Knowledge and Identification of CROp diseases for sustainable food safety"

Project Description

The aim of the project is to provide the fruit growing sector with tools to improve their knowledge and better identify crop diseases (pathological and physiological) and their causes. So, the target groups, which include farmers and packinghouses’ staff, are vocational education and training (VET) that will receive the new tools (educational material and E- learning platform) developed by this project. The E-learning platform may be also used by any other groups or organisations at local, regional, national, or European level of the fruit growing sector. So, any person or organization working in the fruit growing sector (farmers, collectors, packinghouses’ staff) can benefit from that. Since the material will be available in any format (Word, and PowerPoint), and the E-learning platform (website or online tool) will be freely available for the public
under an open license, without cost or limitations, the project’s results will be an easy tool to use for several stakeholders. The material of the E-learning platform will be created by each partner according to the crops and diseases selection carried out at the beginning of the project implementation, which means that they will deliver the science to the stakeholders in an understandable, easier and interesting way for them.


The project result’s will be equally spread among all farmers and packinghouses’ staff of cluster of stakeholders, also other partners, local and national organizations and public institutions.The potential impact of this project is that all partners will have an available, free and easy to use, online E-learning platform to share with their network. The content of the E-learning platform (educational material) may be also used by any other groups or organizations at local, regional, national or European level of the fruit growing sector. Although partners will design the content of the chapters according to the crops and diseases that need more attention for the sector, this will be done thanks to the crops and diseases selection will give a detailed view of the current knowledge and skills of crop diseases in the fruit growing sector.
Therefore, any person or organization working in the fruit growing sector (farmers, collectors, packinghouses’ staff) can benefit from that. Besides, the material will be available in any format (Word, and PowerPoint), and the E-learning platform (website or online tool) will be freely available for the public under an open license, without cost or limitations, so it will be a easy tool to use for the stakeholders.

1: Crops and diseases selection

2: Educational material

3: Training

Crops and diseases selection as an activity aims to obtain a detailed view of the current knowledge and skills of crop diseases in the fruit-growing sector in the countries of the partners.

Educational material is one of the main results of this project and it will be used for the pilot test training to stakeholders, but also in the one training week for partners, to train their stakeholders’ network afterwards.

The Training activity aims to provide 50 participants (stakeholders) of the fruit growing sector (farmers and packinghouses’ staff) with the tools generated in this project, which is the E-learning platform with educational material.

Project Details

Topic: -Environment and climate change
            -Agriculture, forestry and fisheries
            -Development of training courses
Programme: Erasmus+
Sector: KA220- Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training
Project ID: 2023-1-PL01-KA220-VET-000157664
Website: https://www.kicro.eu
Start Date:01/09/2023
End Date: 31/08/2025
Total Grand: 250,000.00 €

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


🇵🇱Międzynarodowa Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Łomży

🇧🇬 Balkan Bridge




🇵🇱 The Polish Farm Advisory and Training Centre not- for-profit Sp. z o. o.

Project's Social Media

Our Role

Balkan Bridge, representing the partnership from the Bulgarian side, will be responsible for the evaluation of the pilot test training to stakeholders in Nicosia, Cyprus. Having all educational materials developed, adjusted and translated, they will be presented in interactive format through the e-learning platform during the multiplier event in Bulgaria in August 2025 that will engage wide stakeholders of the project in order to enhance their knowledge on crop diseases.

Transnational Partner Meeting of KICRO Lomza, Poland 24th of October 2023

Transnational Partner Meeting of KICRO Napoli, Italy 21st of March 2024

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