An Innovative Approach to Engage European Youth in Positive entrepreneurial initiatives

Project Description

The GROWTH project aims to investigate self-concepts, positive emotions, thriving, and resilience of youth, by shedding
light to a new direction of positive entrepreneurship, developing an innovative method of training course and game-based
tool that will empower young individuals with fewer opportunities to start their own business, assisted by mentorship,
promoting a strong combination of business value and self-worth.
The concrete results are to set the basis for the generation, implementation, and promotion of sustainable innovative ideas
and business plans, designed and derived from young individuals, guided by Youth Workers, that will allow them grow as
young entrepreneurs, develop and exploit their skills, boosting their self-concepts, highlighting the importance of positive
psychology, and bring them closer to entrepreneurship.

1: GROWTH Handbook and Training Curricula

2: Gamified Platform development and implementation of mentoring program

3: Toolkit development for youth workers and youth organizations

Our Role

WP2-A2: Mapping the main characteristics of start-ups and collecting good practices

WP3-A6: Implementation of the mentoring and evaluation programme

WP5: Awareness raising campaign in Bulgaria


The main expected outcome of GROWTH project is to generate, implement and promote sustainable ideas and business plans deriving from youth that will allow them to grow as young entrepreneurs, boost their self-concepts and get them closer to entrepreneurship, as well as the intention to support youth workers and organizations by developing further their professional knowledge, skills, and competences. The achievement of project objectives and the insurance of sustainable results need cooperation and interaction. Wanting to avoid the realization of activities in a single country ,the selection of
partners of different nationalities from Europe will contribute the exchange of suitable knowledge and practice in order to build capacity over youth entrepreneurship at European level.

Project Details

Topic: Strengthening the employability of young people
Programme: Erasmus+
Sector: KA220-YOU-Cooperation partnerships in Youth
Project ID: 2022-2-IT03-KA220-YOU-000093446
Start Date: 1/6/2023 
End Date: 31/5/2025
Total Grand: 250,000.00 €

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


🇮🇹 Associazione Culturale
🇧🇪 Connect Your City – Brussels
🇮🇪 Eurospeak Limited
🇬🇷 Innovation Hive
🇬🇷 Innovation Bee
🇧🇬 Balkan Bridge EOOD
🇦🇹 Education and Social Innovation Centre of Austria – ESICA.

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