Energy Literacy for Adults: An Innovative Approach to Reducing Energy Poverty
Project Description
The E-LIT ADULTS project aims to compare and contrast the energy literacy knowledge and skill gaps among adults at risk of energy poverty and identify
key areas for improvement, improve energy literacy knowledge and skills of adults facing energy poverty, collaborate with stakeholders ensuring the training materials are widely adapted and aligned with priorities on energy
poverty and develop an online platform as a hub for energy literacy information, resources and networking
The E-lit Adults project will provide flexible, high-quality learning
opportunities to adults at risk of energy poverty at the local level. This will enable them to make informed decisions about
their energy use and reduce energy bills, leading to a lower risk of energy poverty and reducing their carbon footprint. At the
same time, the project will greatly enrich the adult education landscape, contributing to the overall upskilling of lifelong
learning opportunities. Collaboration with stakeholders such as energy providers and local authorities will ensure teaching
materials and training opportunities align with national and regional priorities on energy poverty, supporting authorities’
efforts to address this issue. The networking platform will facilitate the exchange of knowledge and best practices related to
energy literacy, promoting energy community establishment at the national level. The comprehensive dissemination
strategy, engaging national-level partners, will raise awareness and promote further action on energy poverty and energy
literacy, contributing to the fight against climate change.
1: Generation of in-depth knowledg
2: ‘E-lit’ training course
3: ‘E-lit’ network
Generation of in-depth knowledge aims to provide a comprehensive analysis in 5 partner countries by investigating the reasons for the significant variations in energy poverty across the EU among people who are similarly exposed to the risk, based on primary and secondary research levels.
The‘E-lit’ training course will be using insights gained from WP2’s analysis. The course will help individuals facing or at risk of energy poverty improve their energy literacy and reduce their exposure to energy poverty.
‘E-lit’ network will contribute to on promoting the intergenerational exchange of knowledge, international peer learning, and engagement of local authorities to support the creation of energy communities.
Project Details
Topic: Adult Education
Programme: Erasmus+
Sector: KA220-ADU – Cooperation partnerships in adult education
Project ID: 2023-1-LT01-KA220-ADU-
Website: Pending
Start Date: 1/1/24
Total Grand: 250,000€

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
🇱🇹 ART+INN (Menas ir inovacijos)
🇦🇹 Strateco OG
Project's Social Media
Our Role
Balkan Bridge will be the leading partner of the dissemination activities aiming to ensure the widest possible outreach of the project. In order to achieve this, Balkan Bridge’s experts in communication and marketing will create and support the project’s visual identity by tools such as logo, brochures, flyers, social media pages and promotional videos that will ensure the visibility of the project. In the very beginning of the project, Balkan Bridge hosted the Kick-off Meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria where the Dissemination Plan and dissemination activities coordination procedure were established.
Balkan Bridge hosting the Kick-off Partner Meeting of E-lit Adults Sofia, Bulgaria 20/2/2024