An innovative approach to food waste management in order to educate young people to value food and reduce the waste.
Project Description
Every year, about 1/3 of the food that is intended for human consumption (1,3 billion tones) ends up in landfills along with the energy, water and the chemicals that were used for their production and disposal. Wasting food is not only an ethical and economic issue but it also depletes the environment of limited natural resources. All this food in the trash increases the emissions of the greenhouse gas and contributes to the global warming {food waste alone generates about 8% of Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions (FAO, 2015)}. The food waste is a problem which needs to be addressed under the European policy about the transition of Europe to the world’s first climate-neutral conitinent. The best way to prevent food waste is to educate, inspire and encourage the public and especially young generations totake action. Pupils, as the future generation, are the most important people to reach when addressing crucial changes in established behaviors. More specifically, students (new generation) through schools and their teachers could play a significantly important role in reducing food waste. The main goal of the “ZERO WASTE” project is the school teachers to get informed and educated, through a useful training material, about the social, environmental and financial consequences due to food waste and the best practices for reducing it. Teachers will have the ability to include the training material for food waste in their class in order to raise the awareness and pass the knowledge to their students. The final goal of this project is, both, teachers and students (and as a consequence their families) to act as transmitters for a new way of life based on the cyclical economy, the proper management of the daily food consumption and the elimination of food waste with the motto “use wisely, reduce, recycle”.
1: ZERO WASTE European Synthesis Report on the Needs and Challenges of Food Waste Management in School Education
2: ZERO WASTE training material development, pilots, and policy recommendations
3: ZERO WASTE Zero Waste Serious game on Food Waste Management.
4: ZERO WASTE Toolkit for organizations in education
Project Details
Topic: Education
Programme: Erasmus+
Sector: School Education
Project ID: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-SCH-000032588
Website: https://zero-waste-project.eu
Start Date: 1/11/2021
End Date: 1/11/2023
Total Grand: 211,762.00€

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
🇷🇴 Liceul Teoretic Marin Preda – Turnu Magurele
🇨🇾 CSI Center Innovation Hive
🇮🇹 Petit Pas
🇪🇸 GEInnova
🇹🇷 Gelecegin Egitim
🇧🇬 Balkan Bridge
Project's Social Media
Our Role
Balkan Bridge guided the partners throughout the process of developing Policy Recommendations that provide good practice guidelines and recommendations for instruction on proper food waste management in classrooms for in-service and preservice school teachers and instructional designers. On the other hand, the policy papers could be also expolited by non-formal educators, educational authorities and policy makers. Policy Briefs are drafted for each partner country and Europe as a whole and include the gaps analysis of existing curricula in relation to food waste management in schools.
Multiplier Event ‘Zero Waste Bulgaria’ Sofia Mathematics High School 27th of October 2023 Sofia, Bulgaria

Our Role
Balkan Bridge will contribute to all the project results as well as to the dissemination process. In particular for the development of the project’s Sustainability and Exploitation Plan and the methodology for the field research which will be the basis for collecting data directly from the project’s primary target group: SMEs, employers and employees. employees. As part of the same activity Balkan Bridge will develop a common methodology along with the relevant tools that will be used by project partners for the identification and comparative analysis of the key skills, competences and qualifications that a Workplace Innovation should acquire.
Transnational Partner Meeting of Zero Waste project Trani, Italy 28/2/23 - 1/3/23

Transnational Partner Meeting of Zero Waste project Zaragoza, Spain 7-8/6/2023