Gamification Applications For Autism
Project Description
The project aims to educate specialists who are working with individuals with autism in order for them to have more interactive, innovative, and game-playing ways for education. The first activity aims to educate those working with people with autism about the different spectrums of autism and what activities are suitable for the specific spectrum. Four trainers from the partner countries would participate in a three-day training course in Serbia. After the LTTA 8 videos related to the topic are produced, they will be sustainable materials that will be used to educate others. The second training course will be held in Bulgaria, and its aim is to introduce more in-depth research and education on gamification applications that could be used in the process of working with adults with autism. The output of this LTTA will also be 8 videos related to the gamification applications introduced throughout the meeting.
To be updated
1: A training course to increase the knowledge of trainers about different forms of autism
2: Training course to increase trainers competence in the use of gamification-based tools in training for adults with autism
3: Closing meeting
Project Details
Topic: 1) Improving the knowledge of Adult Educators about the different forms of autism
2) Increasing trainers competence in the use of gamification-based tools in training for adults with autism
Programme: Erasmus+
Sector: Adult
Project ID: 2023-1-IT02-KA210-ADU-000151250
Website: Pending
Start Date: 1/10/2023
End Date: 31/03/2025
Total Grand: 60,000€

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
🇮🇹 Diversa Arte | Cooperativa Sociale Integrata
🇲🇰 Association LASTOVICA
🇧🇬 Balkan Bridge
🇷🇸 International University of Novi Pazar
Our Role
As part of the GI.A.F.A project Balkan Bridge will be hosting and facilitating the training course to increase trainers’ competence in the use of gamification-based tools in training for adults with autism. Also Balkan Bridge will take part in the training in Novi Pazar, Serbia along with three trainers to increase the knowledge about different forms of autism. Together with the other partners Balkan Bridge will take part in the creation of the digital outputs regarding the forms of autism and gamification-based tools that could be used in the work with adults with autism.