International Youth Mobility for Youth Workers in Cercedilla, Spain

During September of 2023 in Cercedilla Madrid, Spain took place the MYW TRAINING COURSE part of the STAND UP! FOR REFUGEES project, This is a mobility project designed for young workers and volunteers to raise their voices in favor of refugee integration and social inclusion. The project is designed to provide mechanisms and resources so that young people empathize with refugees, can better understand this phenomenon of forced exodus, and have arguments to favor their integration into their communities. Through the projects all participants had the opportunity to  increase their level of skills and key competences and also promote participation in democratic life in Europe, active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion, and solidarity.


The training course involved participants from nine European countries.  In the training they were motivated to learn about the process that refugees and applicants for international protection go through, as well as actively contribute their knowledge to enrich the contents of the Training Course. The importance of human rights , as well as understanding the concepts of discrimination, hate speech and tolerance, took an important place during training of these young individuals.


Balkan Bridge was represented by three youth workers, who took an active part in all the activities and contributed to the training sharing their previous experience and how they face the topic of refugees.


The training gave the opportunity for space for the exchange, carrying out a comparative analysis of the different realities and social responses to the issue of refugees in each of the countries of the consortium.

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