Media and Information Literacy skills of adults to develop critical thinking and combat fake news

Project Description

MIL Skills project aims to address the challenges and needs of seniors by enabling them to develop media and information skills as well as the needs of adult educators by equipping them with a holistic methodology and innovative tools in order for them to effectively support their learners throughout this journey. Specifically, MIL Skills will adopt a multidisciplinary approach towards buailding seniors’ media and information skills, integrating concepts such as information, digital and media literacy, communication skills, ethical considerations, and critical thinking. By developing these skills, individuals can
become more informed and engaged citizens, better equipped to navigate the complex landscape of information in the digital age.
Furthermore, MIL Skills project will increase the capacity of adult trainers, adult education organization and relevant actors on how to calibrate their approaches and resources to support their learners through their adaptation to the EU safe digital transition and to the relevant media and information skills requirements. This will be achieved through the MIL Skills Toolkit, which will include practical information and lesson plans on how they can apply MIL Skills outputs in their educational methodology as well as extra resources and tools in order to support their learners develop their media and information skills.

1: Factsheets (field research) and MIL Competencies Pathway (desk research)
about the media and information skills & critical thinking.

2: Training Workbook on the development of media and information literacy skills for senior citizens and adult educators and piloting activities.

3: MIL Skills eLearning platform and Digital Board Game.

4: MIL Skills Toolkit for adult educators & awareness raising campaigns.

Project Details

Topic: Media literacy and tackling disinformation
Digital safety
Digital skills and competences

Programme: Erasmus+
Sector: KA220- Cooperation partnerships in Adult Education
Project ID: 2023-1-LV01-KA220-ADU-000156693 
Start Date: 01/10/2023
End Date: 30/09/2025
Total Grand: 250,000€

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


🇱🇻 New East
🇧🇬 Balkan Bridge
🇨🇾 Vernian RTI
🇮🇹 Exeo Lab Srl

Project's Social Media

Our Role

Balkan Bridge plays a pivotal role in the MIL SKILLS project as leader in: 

  • Organization and implementation of the piloting activities
  • Collection of evidence from the piloting activities

These activities present the direct involvement of the target group in the project, allowing them to see and test the already created materials and give their feedback on what they liked and which aspect needs improvement to respond to their needs and expectations.

Kick-off Partner Meeting of MIL SKILLS project Riga, Latvia 23rd & 24th of January 2024

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