Zero Waste: An innovative approach to food waste management in order to educate young people to value food and reduce the waste
2nd TMP - Larissa, GREECE for “Zero Waste” project
28th -29th September 2022
Five months after the first transnational project meeting in Romania, representatives of the 7 countries involved in “Zero Waste” project had the possibility to meet physically again, this time in Larissa, Greece, at the end of September 2022.
According to the Agenda of the meeting, the organisation which was responsible for the coordination of PR 1, presented The European Synthesis Report on the Needs and Challenges of Food Waste Management in School Education. The document was created based on the national reports that each partner had drawn, regarding the current situation in their country in terms of food waste and food waste management. The Synthesis Report includes data which refers to the existing literature and practices carried out at national level, but it also presents the results of a structured questionnaire addressed to teachers and students that was applied in secondary schools.
Another presentation which the participants analysed, reflected and commented on referred to the Guidelines on Impact Assessment, still related to PR1. Then, discussions were made regarding the second project result, Zero Waste training material development, pilots, and policy recommendations. Partners reviewed the description and guidelines included in the application and established the next steps to be taken by every institution regarding PR2. The participants also took the opportunity to do some brainstorming regarding PR3: Zero Waste Serious game on Food Waste Management and PR4: Zero Waste Toolkit for organizations in education.
During the meeting, the first 6-month reports on Quality Assurance and Evaluation, Dissemination and Financial Management were shared by the institutions which are responsible for these components.